Cavewhere Cave Data
Download – Phake Cave 3000 – 0.09
This dataset adds profiles to the first trip in Phake Cave 3000. It shows off CaveWhere’s ability to render running profile and plan maps at the same time.
- 1 Trip
- Profile Rendering
- Plan Rendering
- 32.0mb download
Download – Phake Cave 3000 – 0.08
The first trip in Phake Cave 3000 is 0.08. It shows off CaveWhere’s ability to render two horizontal levels that are connected between a pit. CaveWhere also renders 5 leads, which can be investigated in the render window. This data-set contains:
- 1 Trip
- 5 Leads
- Plan Rendering
- 12.4mb download
There’s a bug in 0.08, which will only show the leads, in the render window if opening the file from File->Open. Leads aren’t shown when double clicking on the file from Explore or Finder.